

As part of the 2022 UH AVT class, one of the goals was to pull together the resources to allow the class (team) to build a human-scale autonomous vehicle based on an evKart to compete in the 2020-2022 Purdue-sponsored international competition evGrandPrix in the Autonomous Masters division. The software stack between evGrandPrix, and the IAC competition is being developed to be cross-compatible. The techniques we apply in one competition we can use in the next. The pipeline from F1Tenth, to evGrandPrix, then to IAC prepares students and helps find students who are serious about sticking with the project long term.  In preparing for that competition the team acquired a base evKart from TopKart-USA and begin working toward building out the autonomous capability. They successfully qualified for the 2020 evGrandPrix only for it to be canceled due to Covid.  The AI Racing Tech team would win 3rd place at the 2021 evGrandPrix and placed 2nd for the 2022 evGrandPrix! 

Learn More about the evGrandPrix



Racin Warriors Spring Update!

As the spring semester comes to an end, the @AIRacingTech team wanted to share the latest pictures of us testing our #Autonomous EV-Kart for the @evGrandPrix

2nd place @ Ev-Grand Prix, 2022!

HUGE Shout out to the TritonAI team for their 2nd place victory at this year's @evGrandPrix! @AiRacingTech,#UCBerkley, and #TritionAI have been extremely busy in the garage and lab to make this amazing day happen!